Sunday, September 12, 2010

Legislative Branch 3

Source: "Law makers vow action on abuse report" by Erika Lovely July 13, 2010

Constitutional Connection:
     The role of the Legislative branch is to make the laws discuss them and decipher which ones will come to play and which ones will not. The legislative branc is made up of Congress, which is the Senate and the House of Representatives. The Senate is responsible for approving treaties, confirming presidential nominations, and conducting trials. The House of Representatives powers are established in Article One of the Constitution. The major power of the House is to pass federal legislation that affects the entire country, although its bills must also be passed by the Senate and further agreed to by the President before becoming law (unless both the House and Senate re-pass the legislation with a two-thirds majority in each chamber). Each state receives representation in the House in proportion to its population but is entitled to at least one Representative.

Analysis of the Connection:

               A very serious report released Tuesday by the Office of Compliance gave the congressional workplace a bad look; abused employees have collected an average of $1 million per year in settlements over workplace disputes with their congressional bosses, which most of all includes sexual harassment charges.Not to mention the corruption and enviornment  reports have also revealed an estimated 6,300 safety hazards on the Capitol campus. One of those hazards is a fire hazard in the Library of Congress that will cost nearly $20 million to repair(20 million dollars we do not have). Another fire safety hazard in Russell Senate Office building could be deadly to aides and members if there should be a terrorist attack that involved fire. The reports also showed that the Office of Compliance, (which oversees the workplace rights of congressional staffers under the Congressional Accountability Act),  has not been able to sufficiently educate and communicate with its employees about their rights, including in cases of sexual harassment and other office misdeeds.

              The OOC report can be a scarer to its readers because of all the serious issues it brings up. It can make them feel uncomfortable and unsafe about the enviornment its workers are in. Republican Robert Alderholt says "It is very disappointing that there have been so many employee disputes in House offices, the United States legislative branch should be the national example of appropriate workplace relations and I believe that Congress should address this.”  The minority house leader John Boehner’s spokesman Micheal Steel says that thes problems could have been prevented if Nancy Pelosi had not appointed a Chief Administrative Officer who may have overlooked the email address blockade.

             In my opinion, some things could have been Nancy Pelosi's fault but it couldnt have all started with her. Corruption in the system and abusues in the system have started a long time ago back when the churches and the government were deciding if things like abortion were right or not. Bill Clinton had a mistress and who knows what type of sexual harassment could have been going on.. The main things that need to start happening are the use of religion in the system because right now there is no guuidance.

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