Sunday, September 12, 2010

Legislative Branch 2

Source: "Congress Delays on Whistleblowers" by Erika Lovely  August 17, 2010

Constitutional Connection:

          The basic role of the Legislative branch is to make the laws discuss them and decipher which ones will come to play and which ones will not. The legislative branc is  made up of Congress, which is the Senate and the House of Representatives. The Senate is responsible for approving treaties, confirming presidential nominations, and conducting trials. The House of Representatives powers  are established in Article One of the Constitution. The major power of the House is to pass federal legislation that affects the entire country, although its bills must also be passed by the Senate and further agreed to by the President before becoming law (unless both the House and Senate re-pass the legislation with a two-thirds majority in each chamber). Each state receives representation in the House in proportion to its population but is entitled to at least one Representative.

Analysis of the Connection:

                       Whistleblowers are the people who raises a concern about wrongdoing occurring in an organization or body of people. In this case Congress is having conflicts with its whistleblowers. These people are ratting our the corruptions of Congress and its employes. Whistleblowers usually dont come foward with what they know because of getting put on the spot or loosing their position. Maxine Waters is currently charged with three House ethics violations for her alleged interactions with a bank that received federal bailout money. Her chief of staff, who’s also her grandson, continued interactions with the bank in which her husband had invested after the congresswoman had been instructed not to the charges allege. Rep. Eric Massa (DNY) is exploring his legal options after alerting officials that the congressman was allegedly inappropriately interacting with male staffers.

                  The Senate Ethics Committee is investigating whether Senator John Ensign (R-Nev.) used his power to boost the career of his former mistress’ husband, who worked for Ensign. Reports by the congressional Office of Complianceare finding out that Congress has been failing to apply a plethora of workplace regulations to its own employees, including safety regulations and a law that gives veterans a leg up when applying for government jobs. Whistleblowers are needed to specify the things that arenot happening and to bring them to light so they corruption in the system can stop.In this past year, Congress has called whistleblowers from the financial sector, health insurance and other industries to testify before congressional committees because of the congressman and women who commit these corrupted crimes.

                   In my opinion, whisterblowers are a good idea and they need to start being more confident and bring these people out in the open. More and more each day people are noticing all the things that can possibly be going on behind our backs in the system and we are all a part of it even though we may not know it. Even though these whistleblowers might get oicked on and blackmailed the right thing is still the right thing and if the judges that hold the trials for the corrupted congressman and congresswomen are reliable we canmake our system better.


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