Sunday, August 22, 2010

Freedom of Speech Political Cartoons


            These political cartoons represent how we have freedom of speech in America, but then again we don't. In america you are permitted to say absolutely any thing you want, at any time you want, where ever you want, to any one you want, etc. The problem is that some people believe in it and others dont. There are many reprecussions for saying the wrong things to people in authority though. For instance, you cannot just go up to a police officer and say "I'm going to kill your whole family" or "BOMB!!" in an airport without going through some type of trial and serving some tyoe of sentence.

             Voltaire believed  in freedom of speech and said that "I may not agree with what you say, but i will defend  to the death your right to say it". The first amendment in the Constitution was written to protect the rights of freedom of speech, freedom to assemble, and freedom of religion. If there are consequences to freedom of speech, then are the authorities contridicting the Constitution? Federal Government has found a way to restrain freedom of speech with getting the attention of many other people in authority. The First Amendment was created to protect human rights such as freedom of speech and more laws are being made that are sloely taking that right away.
            One main preticular reason freedom of speech is limited is because humans can be offending. Total freedom of speech provides humans to disregard anyone they want to and get away with it. Total freedom of speech can lead to the banning of laws because then people can say anything they want to say and won't be legally able to get punished for it. Total freedom of speech can lead to chaos. Is the Federal Government right for putting a restain on speech, which Virginia, New York, and North Carolina where trying to prevent from happening when the First Amendment was made?

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